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The Member Assistance Program

The Member Assistant Programme is a new initiative developed and started in January 2003. At present it is being aimed at NMP members and will eventually be developed to incorporate all the funds administered by MMSA.

We have developed this programme to assist members with their lifestyles and disease management. This in turn will assist the members with managing their medical aid benefits. We are encouraging members to utilise their doctor's to manage their disease appropriately and cost effectively. This will include behaviour and lifestyle modifications. Members are encouraged to take responsibility for their lifestyles and by doing so, achieve optimal health.

Statistics are drawn from our database and we investigate member's contracts for various discrepancies. Once we are sure of what is needed to assist the member, we contact the member telephonically and offer assistance and guidance. Member Information Sheets are sent to the member to re-enforce what information has already been given telephonically. This member is then followed up and a trend analysis is done to check the improvement and modifications that have been made.

The aim of this programme is to be proactive with members and assist them before problems arise. We believe that we can improve the member's quality of life and this will also have a positive spin off on the medical aid benefits.

All the staff of the Member Assistant Programme are highly qualified registered nurses with the support of medical practitioners.

Members can contact the Member Assistant Programme by calling 031-3365500 or the Contact Centre on 031-3676800 and request the MAP department.